Top 6 Foods and Beverages That Stain Your Teeth

Contrary to popular belief, teeth whitening is not purely reactive – in fact, with the right approach to oral hygiene and diet, it can be possible to achieve a brighter smile through a proactive approach to your lifestyle. 

In order to recognise the role of diet in teeth whitening, you need to know two things. Firstly, which foods and drinks help to keep your teeth clean – and secondly, which foods and beverages are responsible for causing the stains that darken your otherwise pearly white teeth. 

In this blog, we’re taking you on a tour of your very own kitchen, covering some of the most common foods and drinks that are known to stain your teeth and impact their shine. While some will ring familiar, others are lesser known culprits in the world of dentistry, and can cause a great deal more damage than simply staining. 

  1. Coffee

If there are any consumables on this list that you should already be aware of, coffee is up there as the most likely. A rich, caffeinated drink that many of us rely on to wake us up in the morning, coffee (especially black coffee) is packed full of tannins, which stick to the teeth and leave an unwanted hue behind on the surface. Over time, this temporary colour change starts to seep into the teeth and causes lasting tooth discolouration. 

This is made worse by the fact that many of us brush our teeth before consuming our morning coffee, opening up the pores of our teeth so that they absorb the liquid – and colour – more quickly. If you opt for a teeth-whitening service at your local dentist, they will advise you on the recommended aftercare and how long to wait between consuming these sorts of foods and drinks and brushing your teeth. 

  1. Tomato Sauce

There is no simpler or more comforting meal than pasta with a rich tomato sauce – however, did you know that the tomatoes in that sauce could be causing your teeth more harm than good?

While, in the case of coffee, it’s the tannins that cause the most harm to the look of your teeth, when talking about tomatoes, we need to turn our attention to the acidity of the ingredient. When acids come into contact with the teeth, they gradually wear away layers of the teeth so that they become more susceptible to staining. Tomatoes in particular contain a rich red pigment, which gives them that vibrant colour, but which is also less than ideal for those seeking a gleaming white smile. 

  1. Curry

Another sauce-based food, this one from the other side of the world. Curries are rich with both flavour and aroma, but it’s the yellow-coloured turmeric that is the real offender here. Turmeric may give your curry its trademark aesthetic, but it also wreaks havoc on your teeth and leaves pigments of colour behind on the teeth with regular consumption. 

  1. Berries / Berry Juice

This one falls into both the food and drink categories, with berries as a core ingredient known to be one of the biggest culprits for tooth discolouration. This is because the pigment in the fruit skin causes staining, while the high levels of acidity found in these berries wear away and weaken the surface of the teeth, making them more susceptible to staining. 

Falling into this category is red wine, which is made up of similar components that sit on the surface of the teeth, wear away the enamel and protective layers over time, and cause lasting stains. 

  1. Tea

Yes, we could have included this one under the very first drink mentioned in the blog. But, while coffee is often noted as a notorious and well-known cause of stained teeth, tea is very often overlooked. What’s more, with even green tea causing staining as a result of the high levels of tannins present, we thought this deserved its very own place on our list – if for no other reason than it tends to surprise people!

  1. Cola Drinks

We’re finishing our list with another drink, and one which everyone who is serious about oral hygiene and dental health will know means bad news for teeth. Cola is packed full of sugar and boasts an extremely high acidity – even those that are made without sugar are full of acids and contain the same colours that stain the teeth.

Like with some of the more acidic fruits, this drink will wear down the teeth and cause damage to the enamel, making the teeth more likely to soak up the colour that gives Cola its trademark appearance. 

How to minimise the risk of staining when consuming these foods and drinks  

Short of limiting your intake of all foods and drinks that cause staining, what exactly can you do to minimise the risk of staining while still enjoying all of your favourite treats?

Good oral hygiene is a must, regardless of your diet and lifestyle, as this is what keeps your teeth both healthy and clean, and which restores and protects each and every layer of each tooth. That means cleaning your teeth twice a day, visiting a dental hygienist regularly, and securing trips to the dentist every few months. 

Beyond that, there are certain measures you can take, which include eating lots of crunchy vegetables to act as natural teeth cleansers, and rinsing your mouth with water after consuming any particularly problematic foods or drinks that appear on this list. 

Finally, if you’re particularly concerned about the effect of certain drinks on your teeth, then it can be wise to drink through a straw to minimise contact with your teeth.

Measures such as these are advised to protect your teeth and to provide both proactive and reactive help in minimising the chance of staining. As well as following these, there are also certain foods and dietary changes you can make to help keep your teeth clean and healthy, including eating specific fresh fruit and vegetables, drinking more water, and boosting your consumption of vitamins and other nutrients. 

For more tailored guidance and to help counteract any teeth staining you have already experienced, your local dentist will be able to help. Here at Harley Teeth Whitening in London, we offer a range of services and treatments which help to whiten your teeth and give your smile a new lease of life. Get in touch with us directly to discuss specific treatments.

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