Privacy Policy
Harley Teeth Whitening takes your Privacy extremely seriously. Our basket and checkout pages are all fully encrypted and protected.
Protecting your Card and Personal Details
We are extremely committed to protect our users against cyber crime. We have set up a system that encrypts all data you enter during the checkout process to ensure that when this data is passed on to the banks for verification it cannot be read by hackers, spammers or any other cyber crime.
Your personal information
We will only collect and use information about you lawfully and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The information we collect is used to process your booking and to provide you with the best possible service. We collect only your name, e-mail address, registered card address, phone number and Credit/Debit card details. London Teeth Whitening does not sell or pass any customers personal information, including e-mail addresses to any other organisation for any purpose other than for processing or validating orders you place with us.
To ensure that your credit, debit or charge card is not being used without your consent, we may validate name, address and other personal information supplied by you during the order process against appropriate third party databases. By accepting our terms and conditions you consent to such checks being made. In performing these checks personal information provided by you may be disclosed to a registered credit reference agency or fraud prevention agency which may keep a record of that information. All information provided by you will be treated securely and strictly in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
The information we hold will be accurate, and where necessary, kept up to date. Information will not be kept for longer than is necessary. You can check the information we hold about you by contacting us via e-mail. Any errors you find will be corrected promptly. From time to time if you “opt-in” we may send you information via e-mail or post to inform you of changes to our website or inform you of special offers. We will always provide an “opt-out” or “unsubscribe” option to allow you to stop any further mailings if you wish.
Cookies at Harley Teeth Whitening
New legislation from the European Union requires all websites to inform its users of any information stored. Harley Teeth Whitening fully supports this new legislation.
Cookie Control
Under the latest legislation by using our website you consent to the use of cookies.
Without the cookies enabled the performance of our site and most websites on the internet will be significantly reduced.
If you still wish to change your cookie settings then the following applies for Internet Explorer users:
In the tools tab on the menu of your browser click ‘internet options’
Select the Privacy tab from the pop up box
You can change your settings in there – above medium will disable cookies.
If you would like to know more about cookies then please visit to find out more.