Teeth Brushing

Dental health should be at the forefront of your mind at all times. Just like you look after your body through the foods you eat and through exercise, there are important factors to consider when it comes to oral health and hygiene too. Today we’ll be going through everything you need to know to ensure you have happy and healthy teeth. 


First on the list is brushing. The NHS recommends that you need to brush your teeth for at least two minutes twice daily. We also recommend using toothpaste that contains fluoride as your water supply doesn’t usually have enough fluoride in it to give you the desired effects. Though many opt for a standard toothbrush, electric ones provide you with more power and an overall better clean. Once you’ve brushed once with an electric brush, you won’t want to switch back. 


Next up is flossing and you need to know that flossing is super important for cleaning all those harder to reach spots in your mouth. Food can often get trapped in between your teeth and if left, it can lead to tooth decay. Flossing also allows you to clean ever so slightly under the gumline to ensure that there are no areas that are left untreated. If you’re not a fan of traditional flossing, there are now electric versions available too that’ll leave you feeling like you’ve had a trip to the hygienist. 


The final stage of your morning and evening oral hygiene routine is rinsing. Using mouthwash helps to get rid of any excess food particles that are in your mouth after brushing and flossing and also gives you nice fresh breath. Some mouthwashes also have stain removing properties added to them too to help to brighten your smile. 

What to eat for strong healthy teeth? 

Foods that are high in calcium are known to be great for healthier teeth and bones. Consider incorporating a healthy amount of milk into your diet to ensure this. Other sources of calcium can include beans and pulses, almonds, and leafy greens such as spinach and kale. It’s recommended that an adult needs around 1000mg of calcium per day and children around 1300mg. Those who are over 70 should increase their calcium intake too.

What not to eat to maintain healthy teeth? 

Sugar is possibly one of the worst things for your teeth. This means that you should avoid foods that have added sugars in them. Sadly this means all the good stuff like chocolates, sweets and those tasty desserts. When the bacteria in your mouth react with sugar they release an acid that’s very damaging to your tooth enamel which could ultimately lead to tooth decay. Wherever you can, brush your teeth after eating something sweet. Also, citrus can be detrimental to your dental health. The acid can wear away at your tooth enamel; we don’t recommend cutting out citrusy foods altogether, but it’s better to eat them in moderation. 


What minerals are essential for dental health?

Top of the list is calcium, which you can get from a variety of healthy food and drinks that we mentioned above. Additionally, Vitamin D has been proven to improve bone density and is therefore great for your teeth. Vitamin D is most commonly absorbed by the body through direct sunlight which is a great excuse to book a holiday to somewhere sunny. Foodwise, you can find Vitamin D in foods such as fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and mushrooms. Minerals such as Potassium, Phosphorus, and Vitamins C and A are also great for your dental health. 

What drinks aren’t good for your teeth?

Anything fizzy can damage your tooth enamel and ultimately lead to tooth decay. Not only this, but some drinks can also pretty badly stain your teeth. Some of the main culprits include red wine, coffee, tea and coca-cola. Anything dark will ultimately affect the brightness of your teeth. So we recommend only consuming those in moderation; we understand going cold turkey from them all might be a challenge. 

How to keep teeth healthy when smoking?

Generally speaking, we’re medical professionals and don’t recommend smoking. Not only can smoking (and vaping) cause a lot of damage to your teeth and severely discolour them, it’s also terrible for your overall health too. However, if you are a smoker, it’s imperative that you never miss your dental checkups and always follow your oral hygiene routine day and night as you are more susceptible to gum disease as a smoker. You might want to invest in a harder bristled toothbrush and also get a toothpaste specifically designed for smokers like Clinomyn. 

How often should you get a dentist checkup?

We recommend visiting your dentist at least once every 6 months for a full dental checkup, this way, your dentist can treat any minor issues before they turn into big ones. Also, they can carry out X-rays to ensure everything is healthy on the inside as well as the outside. Regular checkups can ensure that something simple such as needing a filling doesn’t turn into the need for a root canal. 

How often should you see a dental hygienist?

This can sometimes depend on your individual needs which you can discuss with your dentist, but generally speaking, you should go see the hygienist every 6 months for a thorough clean to make sure everything’s in tip-top shape. The treatment is completely pain-free and many people find that after a hygienist clean they have a whiter and brighter smile too as many of the surface stains are removed. 

In conclusion 

We hope this article has covered everything you need to know about maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Dental health is extremely important and by looking after your teeth and getting dental checkups regularly you can ensure you have a healthier and whiter smile for years to come which has a whole host of benefits associated with it.

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