What Are the Best Teeth Whitening Options?

There are plenty of reasons why people turn to Google, high-street products, and their dentists in the search for a whiter smile. 

Researching the different methods of teeth whitening will take you in all sorts of directions, from at-home kits to a dietary overhaul, whitening toothpastes, and of course the pros and cons of a professional whitening treatment. 

In this blog, we’re sharing some of the most popular and the most common teeth whitening options, highlighting the one that we (and most other professionals) believe to be the best. 

But first, what causes teeth to become discoloured in the first place?

What causes teeth to become discoloured?

Tooth discolouration is one of those difficult things to pin down – if for no other reason than the fact that there are so many things that contribute towards and cause it. 

Most dental professionals, when discussing tooth discolouration and staining, will talk you through three different types of stains. These include:

  1. Extrinsic staining, which affects the surface and enamel of the tooth and is most often caused by food and beverages, tobacco, and other lifestyle factors. 
  2. Intrinsic staining, creating a visible grey tinge on the surface of the tooth, which can be caused by factors such as decay, trauma or injury, or even certain medications. This kind of stain occurs inside the tooth, well under the surface.
  3. Age-related discolouration, as enamel wears away and your teeth appear yellow as a result.

Any and all of the above causes of tooth discolouration can be tackled with a comprehensive whitening treatment – though some require a stronger solution than others. 

Do at-home teeth whitening kits work?

Before we get into the finer details around at-home and high-street whitening kits, it’s important to note that different types and causes of stains require different approaches for whitening.

Intrinsic stains in particular are less likely to be lifted by at-home kits, simply because they are not powerful enough to really brighten the colour of the tooth from the inside. However, there can be some brightening of surface stains and discoloration caused by food, drink, and lifestyle factors like tobacco – which is why at-home kits continue to be popular among consumers. 

In the simplest possible sense, at-home kits contain many of the ingredients used in a professional whitening treatment but in very low quantities (unsurprisingly, owing to the safety concerns of bleaching components being sold over the counter and online). At most, consumers will sometimes see a subtle brightening of their smile after using these kits, though the results will not last long. 

Understanding professional teeth whitening

Professional teeth whitening is offered by dental professionals and practitioners, and combines an activating cleanse with a whitening agent, before a targeted blue spectrum LED laser is channelled directly onto the teeth.

As a process, this may sound quite intimidating – but the comfort and convenience of laser teeth whitening cannot be overstated. Treatment sessions typically last for around an hour, with the laser shone onto the teeth in short bursts of 20-30 minutes at a time. 

What’s more, the benefit of professional teeth whitening, and the fine balance between the activating agent and the laser, means that stains are broken down and lifted from the teeth without causing any damage. Teeth that undergo this process are left whiter and brighter, without impacting their strength or stability in the process. 

And, if you’re still not convinced, then you need only look at the results that come from a single treatment session. When clients come to Harley Teeth Whitening, not only do they go home with a brighter and more confident smile, but they also benefit from our unrivalled aftercare and advice on how to prolong the results and protect their smile. 

Alternative approaches to teeth whitening

Suffice to say, if it’s results that you’re after, then a professional teeth whitening has it all.

But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t alternative methods that you can try while saving up for a professional treatment. 

Some of the most common alternative methods of teeth whitening at home include:

  • Investing in a whitening toothpaste that is marketed as a brightening paste to lift stains from the surface of the teeth. These offer varied success rates and can brighten the teeth to some degree, though they do not tackle the underlying cause of discolouration.
  • Baking soda and water, which is claimed to remove stains from yellowing teeth.
  • Rinsing the mouth after drinking coffee and consuming other products that contribute towards discolouration. This one is a no-brainer if you want to keep brighter teeth looking their best, though it is not going to reverse existing discolouration. 
  • Eating crunchy vegetables and fruits, which act as a natural cleanser between each brush. 

All of the above alternative approaches to teeth whitening offer some degree of success – though none are as effective or as reliable as a comprehensive whitening treatment. 

The benefits of whiter teeth

With so much information to take in, you might now be wondering what the benefits of teeth whitening are and why knowing which option is the best and most effective is so important. 

Teeth whitening not only gives you a brighter smile, but is great for boosting your confidence and self-esteem. Countless clients come to us ahead of job interviews, significant events, first dates, and other occasions where they want to present their best self – with the instant effect of a professional teeth whitening particularly popular.

Whatever your reasoning is, however, it’s important to understand that having long-lasting whiter teeth requires an oral hygiene overhaul as well as the treatment itself. In order to maintain the results of a professional treatment, you need to commit to regular brushing and flossing, dental check-ups, and potential dietary changes that cut down on foods and drinks that stain your teeth.

For more advice on securing – and prolonging – a whiter smile, the team at Harley Teeth Whitening are here to help and offer advice. Get in touch with us to start your journey to a bolder, brighter smile.

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

Teeth whitening has become an industry all on its own, with DIY whitening solutions, at-home kits, and professional treatments giving clients a range of options, depending on their budget and ideal results and outcomes. 

If you ask any dental professional, they will agree almost instantly that a professional treatment is both the most effective and the safest form of whitening that you can get. Combining a whitening agent with a targeted burst of blue spectrum LED light from a dental laser, professional whitening treatment attacks and lifts the stains from the surface of the teeth and from inside the teeth, without causing any damage or sensitivity. 

And the results cannot be denied. Laser teeth whitening in particular provides tangible results that are clear to see immediately after treatment – sending clients away from the practice with a brighter and more confident smile every time.

But how long do those results actually last – and is teeth whitening a one-time investment or something you have to keep paying for to ensure durable results?

What does professional teeth whitening involve?

Before we tackle the question of durability and the lifespan of a whitened smile, what exactly does a professional treatment involve?

When you visit your dentist and ask for a professional whitening, you will first be invited to a consultation. This is where you have a chance to outline your ideal results, and where your dentist will advise on what you can expect from treatment. Past client results and experiences are a good way of managing expectations and understanding how your teeth will look following treatment. 

Following this, if you choose to proceed, then your whitening session will be booked.

During this session, the teeth are first cleansed with an activating paste. Whitening agent is then applied to the teeth, before a laser using blue spectrum LED light is shone directly onto the teeth. This laser is used in bursts of between 20 and 30 minutes, depending on the severity and depth of the stains, breaking down and lifting stains and discolouration from the teeth.

Crucially, this process attacks both extrinsic and intrinsic staining and discolouration – making it the most effective treatment option for all types of stains

The entire process takes around an hour, with two or three bursts required to optimise results.

How long can I expect the results to last?

One of the reasons why so many clients choose professional whitening is the instant results. Clients will leave their whitening treatment session with a brighter smile and will reap the benefits of their investment instantly. 

With the right care and attention after whitening, a smile that has been illuminated and brightened using professional treatment methods can last upwards of two years. Conversely, teeth that have been whitened via other methods, including at-home whitening kits and other DIY methods, are subject to diverse results, with some claiming to see quick and lasting results, while others report no change at all to the colour of their teeth.

For lasting and visible results, it is always best to opt for a professional whitening treatment – not least because a trained dental practitioner will underpin the entire treatment with safety and comfort in mind. 

Keep reading for tips on prolonging your white smile and ensuring that it lasts for two years or more.

Tips for prolonging a whiter smile after teeth whitening

Following a professional teeth whitening session or treatment, your dentist should recommend a series of steps to take to prolong your whiter smile. This approach to aftercare differs depending on the dentist; however, most clients will find that it covers the basics of oral hygiene, with some additional tips on food and drinks to avoid

Here are some top tips to ensure that the results of your teeth whitening withstand the test of time.

  • Practise good oral hygiene. This means brushing your teeth with an electric toothbrush twice per day, flossing daily, and using mouthwash. 
  • Visit your dentist and dental hygienist for regular check-ups.
  • Avoid drinks that are renowned for causing staining across the teeth. These include coffee and red wine. 
  • Cut down on fizzy and carbonated drinks, as well as foods that are high in citrus levels. These can affect the enamel that protects the teeth, contributing towards increased staining.
  • Minimise or completely cut out lifestyle habits that are affecting your teeth (and your overall health). Smoking tobacco should be at the top of this list! 
  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet that is rich in vegetables – especially those that naturally cleanse the teeth.
  • Consume water after drinking or eating anything that is renowned for causing staining to your teeth. This will help to wash away any residual colour that can contribute towards the discolouration of your whiter smile. 

Finally, if you notice the results of your whitening starting to dull over time, then reach out to your dentist to discuss a touch-up appointment. 

The benefits of teeth whitening 

Before we leave you to book your next teeth whitening session with your local dentist, here are a few benefits of professional whitening as reported by clients across the UK and beyond.

When you book and undergo a teeth whitening treatment session, the results aren’t just physical but mental as well. Clients who complete a successful whitening treatment often report a boost in self-esteem and confidence – making it the perfect investment ahead of a major event, milestone, or even something as simple as a job interview or date. 

What’s more, whiter teeth can have a positive impact on your professional life and reputation – with people often considering those with a wider and brighter smile to be more trustworthy and to take better care of themselves and therefore their clients or customers.

Rightly or wrongly, a whiter smile is often intrinsically linked with better overall health – making it a great go-to for those who want to improve their image, both for themselves and for those around them.

To find out more about teeth whitening and to book your whitening treatment, get in touch with your local dentist today.

Celebrity Influence on Teeth Whitening Trends

Social media, the constant exposure to news stories and celebrity updates, and the vast comparisons that plague media sites and social channels have created a world where we are consistently told what we should be trying to look like. Whether it’s fashions or figures, lifestyle choices or holiday destinations, the role of celebrities in shaping what is on trend, in demand, and popular among regular consumers is incredible. 

One of those trends that is constantly under the public gaze is the aesthetics behind a smile – notably how white someone’s teeth are.

In this blog, we’re looking at celebrity influence on teeth whitening trends – both in terms of boosting demand for the treatment, and then in influencing where and how people whiten their teeth. 

The role of celebrities in boosting demand for teeth whitening

You only have to scroll through Instagram for 10 seconds to unlock the role of influencers and celebrities in the increasing demand for teeth whitening. Every single celebrity and influencer profile sports big smiles with gleaming white teeth – and whether they are genuinely that white, or illuminated by a filter, doesn’t seem to matter. The point is, their smiles are white and their followers see that, subsequently associating that gleaming white smile with a beauty standard that they should follow. 

This dates back well beyond the dawn of social media, to the days of 1920’s Hollywood stars who brought their white smiles onto the big screen and the red carpet. 

Even modern wellness influencers and dating gurus, who claim that the most beautiful part of a person is their smile, are drawing attention and feeding the desire to showcase a white smile that is worthy of showing off. 

And it’s this that really highlights the role that celebrities play in emphasising the desire for teeth whitening among consumers of all ages. By constantly showing bright white smiles, on social media, on the big and small screens, and in countless magazines and news articles, consumers see and start to covet those same gleaming white teeth.

Which is where the next stage of celebrity influence comes in, by introducing consumers and social media users to different methods of whitening. 

Whitening product influencers and their role on social media

Social media is one of the best places for businesses that want to bridge a direct connection with their followers, with influencer marketing and other forms of advertising. 

Whether it’s an A-list celebrity or a popular social media influencer, having someone with a large presence showcasing a product is great for business – and is one of the reasons why so many recognisable faces are used on the cover of whitening product campaigns specifically. 

Whether or not these portrayals are accurate is questionable. Most celebrities and influencers who help to advertise and market whitening products likely have experience of using the product – however, what is not disclosed is any other whitening treatment that they have had done to supplement and bolster the results. All social media and online campaigns must be marked as an ad according to advertising standards – but what this doesn’t tell followers and consumers is whether the product is actually responsible for the users’ white teeth. It also does nothing to highlight the difference between white teeth and healthy teeth

From a marketing perspective though, the impact of this kind of connection between product and celebrity is huge. Celebrities and influencers need only share an image or testimonial relating to a whitening or other product, and consumers will flock to find, buy, and try it for themselves. 

The best teeth whitening options available in 2024

Let’s be honest, some of the at-home whitening kits and products that celebrities help to advertise are not top of the range when it comes to results. While some at-home kits can offer some degree of success in lightening the colour of your teeth, for the most part these kits are not strong enough to elicit really obvious transformations. The most popular kits include moulds that are lined with whitening gels, whitening strips that are used to cover the teeth, and even whitening toothpastes.

It’s important to note here that, even if a product lists an effective whitening agent on its ingredients list, the content of that active ingredient is unlikely to be high enough to provide a clear whitening effect. This is largely because of the safety risks involved in selling bleaching products on the high street. 

That’s why, when it comes to the best teeth whitening options, nothing compares to a professional treatment. Professional teeth whitening is a process that is conducted by a dentist at an approved clinic, with the most popular method in 2024 being the use of laser technology for whitening.

During the session, your dental professional will first apply an activating gel to the teeth for a thorough clean, before covering them in a whitening agent. A blue spectrum LED laser is then directed onto the surface of the teeth for bursts of between 20 and 30 minutes at a time, breaking down and lifting any stains that have affected the extrinsic and intrinsic colour of the teeth. The complete session typically lasts for around an hour, delivering instant results to the client. 

Following treatment itself, thorough aftercare is needed to ensure the durability of whitening results – spanning good oral hygiene, thorough cleaning and flossing, regular check-ups with the dentist, and a healthy approach to diet and lifestyle. 

Is teeth whitening right for you?

So, is teeth whitening something that you have been considering as a result of celebrity influence in the media or on social channels?

If so, it’s worth noting that teeth whitening can be a safe and effective way of increasing your self-esteem and confidence, provided you opt for a professional treatment through your dentist.

At-home treatments are often not as tightly regulated, which can lead to mixed results and potential sensitivity – not to mention, the results won’t be nearly as successful or as long-lasting. 

To find out more about teeth whitening, get in touch with your dentist today, so that they can let you know about availability, pricing, and more.

Teeth Whitening and the Concept of Ageing Gracefully

What does it mean to age gracefully in 2024?

For some, it means Botox and surgical enhancement that keep the face and body looking as young as possible, while for others it means letting nature run its course and embracing the changes to your appearance as they come. 

We’re not here to say that either one or the other is right – but what we are here to do is highlight the role of teeth whitening and consider what happens to the teeth naturally as we age. 

What happens to the teeth when we age?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a single part of the body that isn’t affected by ageing. Teeth are subject to incredible levels of wear and tear over the years, and while a good oral hygiene routine and regular trips to the dentist are good ways to keep them looking their best, over time the enamel starts to wear away.

When the enamel on the surface of your teeth starts to become worn, the teeth become more sensitive and more prone to damage. What’s more, as the layer of enamel on the teeth starts to wear away and become thinner, it exposes more of the dentin beneath. It’s this dentin that causes older teeth to appear yellow, owing to its natural yellow hue.

And that’s not all. As we age and the teeth become more fragile, they also become more subject to stains. Extrinsic stains, which impact the surface of the teeth and cause visible staining, are reversible but become more apparent as you get older – while intrinsic stains, which occur deep inside the tooth, are more difficult to tackle. 

Gum recession is another factor that contributes towards the look of discoloured teeth. As the gums surrounding the teeth recede, the roots of the teeth become more exposed and visible – creating the illusion of a darker tooth and enhanced staining. This is not necessarily the case; however, it is another factor that contributes towards an older smile appearing, well, older. 

All of these different factors lead to the teeth becoming discoloured as we age. And, as anyone with older teeth will know, a desire to hide discoloured teeth only illuminates wrinkles and fine lines and draws more attention to ageing features. 

Of course, colour is not the only impact that ageing has on a person’s smile – in fact, ageing can also alter the alignment of teeth and become more prominent as youthful volume is lost from the face and jawbone. 

But, for the purpose of this blog, let’s focus a bit more on the colour of teeth for now – and specifically whether teeth whitening is a treatment that’s well suited to older clients who want to perfect and protect their smile as they age. 

Is teeth whitening suitable for an older client?

This is where getting the right treatment is so crucial. Older clients will find that their teeth are more sensitive, and so require a careful balance between a potent treatment and sensitive methodology.

While over-the-counter, at-home, and DIY whitening solutions and kits can produce varied results and, in some cases, even enhance teeth sensitivity and discomfort, professional teeth whitening is designed to elicit optimum results with an optimal client experience.

When you visit a dentist for a teeth whitening treatment, you will first complete a thorough consultation, during which the dentist will talk you through the process and your ideal outcome. They will explain the difference between extrinsic (surface) and intrinsic (interior) stains on the teeth and identify some of the things that could be causing your teeth to appear heavily stained. They will then take you through the potential results.

This is where we return to that concept of ageing gracefully.

The best approach for teeth whitening as an older client is a subtle brightening without going too far. If you take the teeth whitening too far, the results will not only be obvious, but the overall look will be unnatural – which is another reason why it’s so important to seek professional treatment.

A professional dentist will use teeth whitening to lighten the colour of your teeth and give you just enough of an enhanced colour to restore your self-esteem and confidence, while giving you a smile that you can feel proud of. What’s more, laser teeth whitening is safe and protects the structure of your teeth – and, provided you adopt the right approach to aftercare and maintenance, the results can last for upwards of two years. 

The benefits of professional teeth whitening 

Teeth whitening has become one of the most popular aesthetic treatments on the market, for clients and consumers of all ages. While the rise in at-home and DIY kits is consistently being fed by influencers and social campaigns that promise unrivalled results, the most effective avenue is still professional whitening. And here’s why.

Professional whitening uses a whitening agent and activator, combined with a blue spectrum LED laser light, to break down and lift the stains away from the teeth. Capturing both extrinsic and intrinsic stains, this treatment delivers instant results that can be enjoyed from the moment the treatment ends. 

Armed with a whiter smile, just some of the benefits that clients are reporting back include more confidence, a bigger and brighter smile, and more opportunities in both their personal and professional lives. 

Can you get your teeth whitened and still age gracefully?

In short, yes. For one thing, whiter teeth will immediately make your face look younger but in the most natural way possible. What’s more, ageing gracefully means something different for everyone – with no set beauty standards needing to depict what it means to age with grace. 

If you think that teeth whitening is something that you could benefit from, or if you want to find out more about older clients who have invested in teeth whitening and their thoughts on the process, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with your local dentist.

Teeth Whitening Trends Over the Decades

Teeth Whitening Trends Over the Decades

Teeth whitening as a professional treatment is seemingly more popular now than it has ever been before. But that doesn’t mean that the overall concept is something new – in fact, teeth whitening and the search for a whiter, brighter smile is something that has underpinned the dental industry for decades. 

Of course, as is so often the case, this means that teeth whitening isn’t just backed up by past trends and treatment methods, but also by countless myths and miscommunications.

For example, it was once believed that white teeth equated to a healthier mouth. We now know that someone can have the brightest teeth in the world but still be living with gum disease and other underlying issues – and that only good oral hygiene can support a healthy as well as a bright white smile. 

In this blog, we’re taking a look at some of the teeth whitening trends from across the years, covering some of the popular whitening methods and the myths that have plagued the industry. 

How has teeth whitening changed over the years?

Before we share some of the most entertaining whitening trends from over the years, it’s important to acknowledge a few truths from the market in terms of statistics and the growth of whitening as a trend.

Teeth whitening is becoming more and more popular, because it is increasingly accessible to a wider proportion of consumers. With the high street offering countless DIY and at-home solutions, which are considered both affordable and marginally effective, whitening has become something that anyone can try for themselves.

Of course, DIY methods have always been accessible – in fact, these make up some of the more interesting trends from the past. However, it’s the bridge between accessible and available whitening methods, and the backing of science and increased understanding, that makes these solutions more appealing now than ever before. 

Here are some of the most interesting and entertaining teeth whitening methods from the past…

Teeth whitening can be traced all the way back to the Ancient Egyptians, who used a blend of ground pumice stone and wine vinegar to scrub at and whiten their teeth. Now, for anyone who has used a pumice stone for their feet and to remove dry skin, you will appreciate how corrosive this was on the teeth’s enamel and surface – whitening teeth but at an intensely damaging cost. 

Another ancient tradition that is interesting to note comes from the Romans, who used urine to whiten their teeth. Perhaps even more interesting is the fact that urine was used for its ammonia content – something that is still used in teeth whitening today (although not in the form of urine!).

Finally, we can’t move into the modern world of teeth whitening without first mentioning the link between oral hygiene and barbers. Before dentists, barbers took care of both hair and teeth – and would use metal files to literally wear away the discoloured surface of a tooth to expose the white beneath. The damage doesn’t even bear thinking about!

Modern teeth whitening methods and trends

To move into modern teeth whitening is, first and foremost, to recognise the ever-growing desire to have a brighter smile for a better reflection in the mirror and a more confident persona. The rise in both professional treatments being available through most dentists, as well as the increase in high-street kits and DIY methods, only proves the popularity of teeth whitening as a trend and as a concept. 

And, to consider how teeth whitening has changed over the years, the most important decade was the 1980s, when dentists discovered the role of hydrogen peroxide in bleaching the teeth to a brighter shade of white. 

Over time, the more that dentists and dental professionals have learnt about the different types of staining and discolouration, the more accurate whitening treatments have become. The most recent innovations in the teeth whitening market are available through dental practices, and incorporate whitening agents with laser technology to both cut through and lift the stains while protecting the surface and enamel of the teeth. This, bolstered by a healthy diet and good food choices, can leave teeth looking their best for years. 

Today, teeth whitening is considered the most popular dental treatment on the market – with consumers and clients of all ages seeking a brighter, whiter smile. 

Debunking common myths around teeth whitening

With all that in mind, we wanted to share a few of the most common myths that surround the teeth whitening industry, to really highlight how opinions and beliefs have changed over the years. 

  1. White teeth equate to healthy teeth. This is untrue and is actually quite a harmful myth that can lead to underlying oral health concerns being missed or overlooked. Even the whitest teeth need to be cared for with regular brushing and flossing, trips to the dentist, and a healthy balanced lifestyle. 
  2. Teeth are only stained by foods. While food and drink is a common culprit in discolouration and the formation of stains on the teeth, it’s not the only thing that can cause the teeth to become discoloured. Age is another issue that changes the colour of the teeth over time, causing them to appear yellower. 
  3. This one is more of a ‘Did You Know’ – did you know that veneers, crowns, and dental fillings cannot be whitened? If you have any of these fixed in your mouth, then you need to understand that teeth whitening treatments will not change the colour of them – because they are not natural in composition. The ceramic used will not change colour through whitening treatment. Something to bear in mind if you’re seeking whitening treatment!
  4. Teeth whitening is permanent. Unfortunately, even a professional teeth whitening treatment will start to fade over time – with many clients requiring follow-up and top-up whitening treatments to keep their smile bright and white. However, a good approach to cleaning and maintenance will help to prolong your results for two years or more!

For more advice on teeth whitening, and to book your own whitening session, get in touch with your dentist today. 

Historical Teeth Whitening Practices in Ancient Civilisation

With teeth whitening such a popular treatment today, spanning both the home-kit market and the professional dentistry industry, you’d be forgiven for thinking that whitening as a whole is a relatively new industry and concept to be involved with. After all, it is only with the rise in photographs and social media that most of us even really notice the shade of our own teeth and compare them with the teeth of the people around us – right?

Well, it turns out that teeth whitening is something that humanity has been concerned with for a lot longer than we might think – emphasising the role of whiter teeth in projecting confidence, making us feel more open, and presenting ourselves in a better way to others. Not to mention, with oral hygiene such an intrinsic part of our self-care routine as humans, the likelihood is that many of the practices discussed below were actually developed as a means to keep the mouth and teeth clean – with whiter teeth simply a bonus. 

The history of teeth whitening

Because whiter teeth are generally connected to oral hygiene and dental care to some degree, it appears that some of the earliest ancient practices have been around for more than 4,000 years – with people more than 5,000 years ago using what they could find to keep their mouths feeling clean and fresh.

Teeth whitening as a concept seems to be something which really picked up pace during the era of the Egyptians, who would crush a pumice stone and mix it with white vinegar before rubbing it on their teeth. Today, we probably wouldn’t even need to tell you how damaging that would be to the enamel on your teeth – but, with white teeth the order of the day for the Ancient Egyptians, this became the go-to method. 

Another method of teeth whitening stems from the Ancient Romans, who were known to use their own urine as a whitening agent. Though this sounds highly unpleasant (and it is), the science is actually something that has transferred all the way into today’s whitening agents, thanks to the presence of ammonia. Ammonia is a highly potent and effective ingredient that is still used in whitening products today – making the science behind their urine swilling quite revolutionary. 

In the 12th century, a combination of sage and salt was used on the teeth to try and brighten them up. Meanwhile, in the 17th century, teeth whitening took on another form – and actually became linked with hairdressing, as barbers would double up as dentists and offer a haircut and dental whitening treatment all in one sitting. The process was simple: the teeth were ground down, and then acid was applied to whiten them, all the while eating away at the protective layers of enamel, and laying the foundations for debilitating tooth decay. 

The 18th century brought little relief, with the inclusion of oxalic acid, which causes irreversible damage to the teeth, until the 19th century rolled around and introduced the concept of fluoride – something that is still very much used today. 

What all of this history tells us is that white teeth matter, and have mattered, to humans for centuries on end. While the practices have changed, dietary advice has shifted, and safety and regulations have become more important, the end goal is the same. 

So, how have historical practices inspired and been carried into modern teeth whitening treatments?

How history has inspired modern teeth whitening

We’ve already mentioned the role of ammonia and how, even though we don’t use urine anymore for teeth whitening purposes, the ingredient of ammonia is still a potent one in the whitening sphere. 

Another ingredient that stems from 1840 is fluoride, which is still very much a hot ingredient in the dental world today. And it’s also worth noting that bicarbonate of soda is a DIY method that is still used today, despite first appearing decades ago – though professional treatments now far surpass the potency and effectiveness of these DIY results thanks to the presence of whitening agents and innovative lasers.

In short, the modern approach to teeth whitening offers a range of options to clients and consumers based on their budget and how effective they want the treatment to be. Despite all the history outlined above, there are still drawbacks to the DIY and at-home kits, which can cause tooth sensitivity and some erosion when administered incorrectly, which is why the best option in the 21st century is to visit a dentist and book a professional whitening treatment. 

During this treatment, you will first be invited to a consultation, where you can outline your ideal results and discuss the whitening process with the practitioner. The treatment itself takes less than an hour and boasts immediate results that will have you smiling all the way home. A whitening agent is applied to the teeth, and then a Blue Spectrum Laser is shone on them – activating the whitening agent and lightening the shade of the teeth as required. 

Not only is this treatment efficient and effective, but the results themselves can last for upwards of 18  months with good care and attention. Best of all, the entire process is safe and should not spark any sensitivity or negative side effects at all. 

Is teeth whitening right for you?

There are countless benefits linked with teeth whitening; many of which explain why it has remained at the forefront of dental care and self-care for so many generations.

For one thing, a whiter smile is aesthetically pleasing. It makes people look more attractive in the eyes of others, and points at a level of care and respect for oneself. 

What’s more, a whiter smile evokes confidence, and has been regularly cited as a positive investment for those looking to boost confidence prior to a major event, job interview, date, or other significant occasion. Confidence makes us better communicators, and makes others open up to us more.

Finally, teeth whitening is simply more accessible today, and is an on-trend investment that is offered by dentists all over the world. Get in touch with your local dentist to find out more about whitening packages.

Cultural Attitudes Towards Teeth Whitening Around the World

There are plenty of misconceptions surrounding the teeth whitening industry, both here in the UK and overseas, ranging from the potency of certain treatment options and products to the link between the colour of your teeth and your age, your underlying health, and more. 

One thing that you may have noticed is that teeth whitening differs depending on where in the world you are – both in terms of the process of whitening itself, and how coveted whiter teeth are. In the USA, for example, whiter teeth are incredibly sought after, with countless prolonged adverts interrupting TV shows and sports games, and virtually all Hollywood red-carpet photos depicting gleaming white smiles. 

The most notable difference lies in the regulations and how teeth whitening is viewed – with this blog uncovering some of the differences in cultural attitude towards what teeth whitening is, how it should be presented, and how it is best performed.

How do teeth whitening regulations differ around the world?

This is an interesting topic to look into, because it seems that it’s not just attitudes to oral hygiene and teeth whitening that differ – so do the national standards with regard to regulations and how whitening treatments in particular are viewed.

In the UK and other parts of Europe, teeth whitening is regarded as a treatment that falls under cosmetic dentistry and aesthetics, having to abide by cosmetic regulations. For home kits, the use of hydrogen peroxide in these products is restricted across Europe, and products that contain a low amount of this bleaching component can only be sold to dental practitioners. This is why home kits are often regarded as far less effective than professional whitening treatments – they simply don’t contain enough whitening agent to have a real impact on the colour of your teeth.

In the USA, teeth whitening products are monitored under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, though they do not need to be FDA approved. This puts a lot of faith in the hands of manufacturers to guarantee that products are safe to use in the mouth, making them responsible for safety and compliance with industry standards. 

As these differences show, the market around teeth whitening, specifically regarding home kits, is different between the USA and Europe. As such, professional whitening is always the best option to ensure a completely safe procedure under the supervision of a trained dental practitioner. 

Oral hygiene and teeth whitening around the world: preferences and attitudes

The biggest takeaway from a specific study into oral hygiene around the world is that most people, in communities from all walks of life, really do care about how their teeth look, how clean they are, and how good their dental hygiene is. 

Teeth whitening has been cited as the number-one most popular treatment option that most consumers would choose if they could only invest in one treatment for their smile. But, while it seems that people around the world are keen to showcase a gleaming white smile, it appears that education around the link between dental health and overall wellness is not as richly understood – with only 21% of people asked really understanding the link between a healthy mouth and their overall health. 

A few other facts and takeaways to note: Brazilians have some of the best understanding around the importance of oral hygiene in maximising their health, while Italians boast some of the best oral habits and cleaning regularity. 

Top tips for brightening your smile

If achieving a whiter smile is on your list of new year goals, then this is the section for you. 

With so many different methods available on the market, from at-home kits and DIY solutions to professional teeth whitening treatments, finding the right solution for you can be overwhelming. However, we’re here to highlight the benefits of each option and make sure that you pick wisely. 

DIY treatments are not necessarily the same as at-home kits, as they tend to be made with things that you can find in your own home. Concepts like using lemon juice for lightening teeth, and mixing baking soda with water and applying it to the teeth, fall into this category – but understanding the drawbacks is important. Too much citrus can impact the enamel surface of your teeth, as can being too heavy handed with abrasive baking soda solutions. 

At-home kits are created by brands and sold for use in the comfort of your own home – a big tick for convenience and comfort. However, again, these are not regulated in terms of application and usage, and so can do more harm than good when not used correctly or safely. What’s more, the potency of at-home kits is so low that they tend to have very little impact on the colour and look of your teeth, but can still come out quite costly. 

By far the best solution is a professional teeth whitening treatment, which is conducted following a consultation with your dentist, who will be able to advise on the project outcomes and results that you can expect. Not only is a professional whitening treatment more cost effective in terms of the impact of results, but it can last up to 18 months with the right aftercare, with the process being safely and efficiently carried out by a trained professional. 

Once you’ve completed treatment, the biggest tip we can give you is to invest in your oral hygiene and in maintaining the results with a series of important lifestyle changes. This includes but is not limited to visiting the dentist and your oral hygienist regularly, ensuring that you brush and floss regularly, cutting down on the consumables and habits that are impacting the colour of your teeth and your dental health, and caring for your overall wellbeing properly. 

Offering some of the most innovative laser teeth whitening treatment available, London-based dentists are among the best in the world when it comes to reputable treatment plans and reliable results. Get in touch with your local dentist for more information and to uncover the pricing and availability of whitening treatments. 

The Influence of Social Media in Creating Expectations Around an Impeccable Smile

If you find yourself drawn towards teeth whitening products, at-home kits, and professional treatments as a result of the gleaming smiles shining out from the social media apps on your phone, then you’re not alone. Social media is responsible for countless comparisons, be it fashion, body shape, haircuts, wedding dresses, and makeup prowess – with a Hollywood smile just one of the highly coveted features that is inspired by the apps. 

While it is important to acknowledge the inevitable role that filters play in whitening and brightening these smiles even more, there are a handful of ways that social media impacts the way we look at our own smile in the mirror. 

Firstly, seeing so many gleaming white smiles on social media makes many of us covet that same confidence – with many users believing that if they too have bright pearly whites, they will emanate that same confidence. 

Secondly, the culture of influencers and brand collaborations on social media creates some potentially unrealistic expectations with regard to the way that these picture-perfect white smiles are achieved. Many brands use influencers to market and showcase their at-home kits and products, selecting influencers with already-white teeth as their model of choice. What this does is create expectations that are unlikely to be fulfilled with the product alone.

Let’s unpack this a little more, before talking about how you can achieve your very own picture-perfect, selfie-ready smile. 

The role of social media in putting a whiter smile front and centre

When considering the influence that social media has on anything, be it a white smile, a fashion trend, or the way a space has been dressed and decorated, the issues lie in comparison and in the simple fact that social media is not always a realistic portrayal of what is going on.

It is easy for users to capture pictures and share posts that reflect the part of their day or their look that they are proud of and want to show off – leading other users to believe that their house really is that tidy or that their teeth really are always that shiny and white. 

But, because social media and scrolling through the different social media platforms has become such an intrinsic part of the modern consumer’s routine, used to discover new brands and products almost constantly, it’s easy to forget that those who we admire post only a snapshot of their day or look.

Social media has created a huge demand for teeth whitening among consumers of all ages – and for those who opt for professional treatment, the results can be great. But, amid those who head straight to the dentist, there are also those who reach out for the more affordable but highly accessible DIY kits and methods, which may not be as good as the social posts suggest.

Here are some of the ways that social media feeds false expectations.

How social media can lead to false expectations

There are two things to look at here, both of which were mentioned in the introduction.

The first is the rise of social media filters, which make it easier than ever to create the illusion of a whiter and brighter smile – without investing in a single treatment. Filters can be used to optimise any feature on your face or in your image, and have notably been used by celebrities for altering their body shape, the position of a hand or foot, or whitening their smile. 

The other way that social media creates false expectations is through brand partnerships and ads, which are sponsored by brands who pay influencers to herald the use of a specific kit or product in brightening their smile. While many of these kits can go some way to lightening the colour of your teeth, and can enhance the brightness of your smile to some degree, they are in no way potent enough to achieve tangible and lasting results. What’s more, potential side effects of at-home and DIY kits are rarely disclosed on these platforms, such as the leak of a bleaching substance onto your gums if the mouth guard doesn’t fit properly, sensitivity as a result of the whitening agent being applied to teeth, and structural damage to the surface of the enamel. 

Both of these issues are rife in the world of social media, in that they often point users and consumers towards products that are not as effective as the marketing makes out, and could in fact cause more harm than good.

With that in mind, how can you achieve a perfect smile for your own social media – and is there a method available that combines good results with a safe and reliable process?

How you can perfect your smile for future social media snaps

This is where professional teeth whitening comes in. Professional teeth whitening is most often conducted using an innovative laser tool, which is shone directly onto the teeth after having applied a potent whitening agent to the teeth and allowing it to rest for a set period of time. The laser, which is made up of a Blue Spectrum LED light, is then shone in targeted bursts of time, with the full treatment process lasting often less than an hour. 

Results are instant, safe, and paired with a comprehensive breakdown of all the aftercare information that clients need in order to maximise their results and ensure that they last the test of time. 

A picture-perfect, gleaming white smile pairs very well with good oral hygiene, with those seeking lasting results needing to follow dental and hygienist advice with regard to regular flossing and brushing and avoiding certain foods and habits. 

For more advice on teeth whitening, reach out to your local professional whitening dentist directly. They will be able to talk you through the process and the cost of the full treatment, and will book an early consultation for you to discuss your ideal finish, the projected results, and eligibility.

Smile Confidence in Client-Facing Roles

When it comes to client-facing roles, the clue is very much in the title with regard to the level of interaction that you need to be prepared for. Spanning retail, hospitality, and other service jobs and industries that see employees interacting directly with customers and clients, these roles require a lot of face-to-face communication – making self-confidence and good communication skills key to success within these roles. 

One of the hallmarks of good self-confidence is a bright smile, making you feel more assured in your communication skills, while putting the client in front of you at ease. But how do you achieve that bright, confident smile, and how important is teeth whitening in helping to bring that smile to life?

In this blog, we’re focussing on the role of teeth whitening in boosting your self-confidence and equipping you for success across a series of client and customer-facing roles. 

How whiter teeth can help boost your confidence

One of the most popular reasons for seeking teeth whitening treatment is a boost in self-confidence, with many clients citing a lack of confidence resulting from yellow and discoloured teeth. There are a number of reasons why teeth can become discoloured over time, including lifestyle factors like smoking and the consumption of caffeine and certain goods, as well as a lack of comprehensive dental hygiene.

Teeth whitening dentists are experienced in brightening the smile of clients from all walks of life, who are seeing discolouration as a result of multiple factors. Many of those who invest in a professional teeth whitening treatment will find that the results are instant and can last upwards of 18 months with the right level of aftercare and oral hygiene – but it’s the resulting confidence from this whiter smile that really seals the deal. 

From a confidence perspective, whether for personal or professional gain, a whiter smile instantly makes you more willing to open your mouth, to smile with your teeth on show, and to communicate more readily and confidently. This in turn makes you more appealing to those around you, creating a positive cycle of confidence that boosts your interactions.

Let’s take a closer look at how important this confidence is in client-facing job roles…

The value of confidence in client-facing job roles

A client-facing role is one which requires a great deal of communication, professionalism, and engaging interaction. You need to be confident in what you are talking about and invite clients and customers to resonate with and understand you. Most of all, you need to present yourself as a reliable, reputable, and professional person to deal with.

All of these things are undeniably elevated once you add a boost of self-confidence. Confidence is what makes you a more engaging communicator, delivering advice or information to clients with the certainty that they are looking for. What’s more, when you feel confident in yourself, you make better eye contact and present yourself in a warmer and more welcoming way. All of this does wonders for a client-facing role, and is intrinsically linked with the way that you feel about your overall presentation – including your smile!

So, how do we achieve that whiter smile and discover that all-important self-confidence?

How to achieve a whiter smile – and keep it!

There are a series of different options available to those who want to whiten the look of their teeth, from DIY treatments and at-home packs to professional cleaning and whitening services.

While DIY and at-home kits are often considered the most affordable, the reality is that these do not contain a potent enough formula to have much of an impact, and can also cause some sensitivity and damage to the enamel of the teeth without proper care.

Professional teeth whitening is both safer and more effective, and will see you enjoying a brighter smile within minutes of treatment. With the right level of aftercare, which includes regular dental appointments, a good approach to oral hygiene, and limiting or even cutting out certain foods, drinks, and habits, the results of this professional treatment can last upwards of 18 months – making it an even more viable and lasting investment.

The importance of oral hygiene in client-facing roles

Of course, when it comes to client-facing job roles and other forms of communication, it’s not just a gleaming white smile that will boost your confidence and make you more appealing to those around you. Oral hygiene encompasses the health of your teeth and gums, and helps to ensure that your breath is fresh and that your mouth is clean all day long.

Oral hygiene starts and ends with your dental routine, including brushing and flossing, as well as regular trips to the dentist and dental hygienist. While your dentist is able to diagnose and help treat structural issues within your mouth and along both your top and bottom teeth, the dental hygienist’s role is to pinpoint areas of dental care that require more attention. They perform an overall clean on your teeth and can provide guidance and support when it comes to really getting rid of plaque and achieving a healthier smile. 

For those in client-facing roles, we probably don’t need to tell you the difference that fresh breath can make when interacting with customers and clients. Bad breath can be incredibly off-putting for those around you, which is why, when seeking that picture-perfect smile to go on your workplace bio, we also emphasise the importance of dental hygiene and that minty-fresh breath. 

How to maximise your dental appeal in the workplace

As mentioned in the previous section, the best approach to overall dental care is with the support of a hygienist and dentist, keeping teeth looking their best, while ensuring that your breath is fresh, and your underlying health is in good condition.

If you’re looking to brighten your smile and freshen your breath, overhauling your oral hygiene routine so that it serves you well in both your professional and private life, then consider this a sign to book your next dental appointment. A dentist will be able to book you in for a professional teeth whitening service, with advice on how to maximise the longevity of results, and tips on how to keep your mouth and teeth healthy and fresh.

Best Teeth Whitening Dentist in London

There are countless reasons why clients decide to look into teeth whitening, whether it be to brighten their smile, elevate their confidence, or underpin a renewed approach to oral hygiene with a pearly white gleam across their teeth.

Studies suggest that teeth whitening can prove a pertinent and popular way of boosting confidence ahead of a job interview, first date, or other notable occasion – with the search for expert teeth whitening in London and beyond increasing virtually every year. 

But with so many different methods and options available to clients and consumers, from DIY and at-home whitening kits and solutions to professional services and treatments, how do you know which method is right for you? In this blog, we’re sharing our views on the different methods of teeth whitening – and why booking an appointment with Harley Teeth Whitening could be the best investment for the year ahead. 

The different methods of teeth whitening uncovered

Many clients who come to us have already experienced the somewhat unreliable results of a DIY whitening toothpaste or at-home treatment. While some of these treatments available to purchase can brighten teeth to a degree, the results are often muted by the low levels of bleach in these market products – not to mention, they can cause several side effects and adverse reactions following use. These include but are not limited to sensitive teeth, erosion of the teeth’s natural enamel, uneven colouring, and even gum irritation. 

Another option that many clients cite is the use of specific foods and ingredients to whiten their teeth. While there are plenty of articles and blogs out there which highlight the foods that can help to keep teeth clean and healthy, there are no ingredients that guarantee whiter teeth and a brighter smile – making this a good option for teeth maintenance but a poor replacement for proper, professional treatment. 

Moving on to those professional treatments, again there are several ways that dentists can perform a teeth whitening service – however, here at Harley Teeth Whitening, we recognise innovative laser technology as the best and most effective treatment method. This treatment combines the application of a whitening agent with a high-energy Blue Spectrum LED light, which is distributed evenly across the teeth in a series of cycles. Results are instant and, with the right aftercare, can last upwards of 18 months. 

Suffice to say, not only is a professional teeth whitening service a more reliable and durable option for clients of all ages and lifestyles, but it also has the added benefit of providing treatment as part of a dental overhaul. With access to leading innovative laser whitening services, our teeth whitening treatment is incredibly safe and boasts immediate results that will be reflected in your smile as soon as the treatment is complete. 

Here’s what to look for in a reputable service provider, and how to know that you have chosen the right dentist to perform your teeth whitening. 

What to look for in a reputable teeth whitening dentist

There are plenty of reasons why clients choose the Harley Teeth Whitening team for all their dental needs, spanning not just teeth whitening services but the provision of clear braces, hygienist appointments, the fitting and installation of veneers, and more. 

A reputable dentist will offer a consultation prior to your teeth whitening appointment, during which you, as the client, can outline your needs, preferences, and goals – and they will take the time to explain the process and manage your expectations in terms of results. 

Following on from the consultation, you will find that a reputable and well-trained dentist will ensure that your teeth are a good fit for the whitening treatment, discussing your oral hygiene routine and checking that your teeth are not sensitive prior to treatment. Nervous clients will be catered for with extra care, with the aim of a good dentist to ensure that clients and patients are always comfortable. 

Following treatment, and provided that you are happy with your results, another hallmark of a reputable and high-quality teeth whitening dentist is attention to aftercare. Here at Harley Teeth Whitening, we dedicate a portion of both the consultation and treatment appointment to discussing aftercare, ensuring that clients are fully aware of how long whitening results last and how important their own oral hygiene is in protecting their newly whitened smile. 

Finally, a reputable teeth whitening dentist will present excellent reviews from their past clients and will be only too happy to direct you towards the experiences of the clients whose smiles they have helped to brighten over the years. Visit the reviews page on our website to read just some of the experiences and outcomes that our London clients have enjoyed.

The benefits of teeth whitening in London

With that said, and with professional teeth whitening a no-brainer when it comes to both the longevity and quality of results, as well as how safe the treatment is for your teeth and overall oral hygiene, what exactly are the benefits of investing in this treatment?

Confidence is something we keep coming back to, and for good reason. Clients who visit us for a professional whitening walk away with brighter, bigger smiles – citing the efficiency of the treatment itself, the incredible value, and how quickly they saw results. 

This is because having a smile to be proud of makes us feel more confident and can make us better communicators as a result – smiling more, and thus coming across in a more positive way to others. This can have a positive impact socially and professionally, and is one of the reasons why so many clients come to us ahead of interviews, big meetings or work events, or social interactions, such as first dates and weddings. 

If teeth whitening is something that you are considering or want to find out more about, here at Harley Teeth Whitening in London, we combine a high-quality and relaxing environment with highly potent and efficient results – unrivalled by our local competitors. Get in touch with us to book your initial consultation and to get the ball rolling on your new and improved smile.

Teeth Whitening and Dating – Boosting Confidence for a Successful Love Life

The world of dating is one marred with obstacles and challenges – both real and those constructed in our minds as reasons to forego a first date and remain single forever. 

But, if we could blame just one thing for the majority of dating upsets, it would be the lack of self-confidence that plagues so many of us when faced with a first date, when uploading a picture to our profile, or when meeting the friends and family of a significant other.

Now, we’re not here to say that all of your confidence woes can be unravelled by a brighter smile, but you’d be amazed at the impact it can have. Which is why, in this blog, we’re sharing the benefits of teeth whitening as a confidence-boosting investment – alongside a handful of other tips for elevating your love life in 2024.

The benefits of teeth whitening for boosting your confidence

Teeth can become slightly discoloured over time, as a result of both wear and tear and lifestyle factors – from drinking large amounts of coffee to smoking, eating certain foods, and allowing your dental routine to fall by the wayside. While everyone’s teeth are different, and colour is not the only factor involved in how your smile looks, the effect of brightening the shade of your teeth can and often does have a significant impact on your self-confidence.

This is because whiter teeth are immediately regarded by those around you as being healthier and cleaner – and thus more attractive. What’s more, by elevating your self-confidence with a whiter smile, you create a cycle of attraction as a result of smiling more and being more open in the way that you communicate. Those who have invested in teeth whitening in the past will know that, when you feel more positive about your smile and the look of your teeth, you are more open in your expressions, and are thus seen by others to be a more positive and outgoing individual.

All of these are incredibly important when it comes to dating and creating a good first impression, with teeth whitening drawing others to you through your healthier-looking smile, your positive communication, and your more confident personality. 

Of course, while we’re on this topic, it’s crucial to understand that teeth whitening is not a replacement for good oral hygiene, and that whiter teeth do not necessarily mean that teeth are healthier. This is a common perception, which can aid your love life to a degree by giving you a charming and gleaming smile, but it is very important to focus on a high level of oral hygiene to match your brighter smile. This includes regular brushing and flossing, visits to the dentist, and a healthy lifestyle. 

Five other tips to boost your confidence ahead of a first date (or significant romantic step)

While a whiter, brighter smile is an excellent way to give yourself a little boost of confidence, it’s not the only thing you can do to make yourself feel more confident ahead of a significant romantic step.

Here are five other things that you can do to really make yourself feel the best you can…

  1. Enjoy your hobbies and lifestyle and be open about them. Communicating passionately makes you more attractive to others. 
  2. Be yourself!
  3. Keep an open mind and don’t compare yourself to others or try to ascertain whether you are “attractive enough” for someone else. 
  4. When in doubt, swill some mouthwash before a first date. There is nothing like the minty-fresh feeling of a clean mouth and smile. 
  5. If you’re worried about getting food stuck between your teeth on a date, carry a small mirror and some dental floss in your bag or pocket so that you have all the tools you need in an emergency!

Armed with these tips, you can enter any first date or romantic scenario with full confidence, safe in the knowledge that you look great and that you are ready to potentially meet the love of your life.

How to achieve a brighter smile

So, how can you achieve that confidence-boosting, love-life-enhancing whiter smile? 

There are a number of methods available for those seeking a brighter smile, but the most effective is a professional teeth whitening treatment with a reputable local dentist. Most dentists use an innovative laser method, applying a potent whitening agent to the teeth before shining a Blue Spectrum LED light onto the teeth directly for set periods of time. This has the benefit of instant results, brightening the teeth by lifting stains without causing any damage to the teeth. 

Aftercare is an important part of the process and can impact how long results last for, which is why every professional treatment plan includes a consultation for full transparency and a complete overview of the entire process. Following this and the treatment itself, the dentist will then outline the best way to care for and optimise your whiter smile, discussing the best routine, as well as foods, drinks, and habits to avoid. 

If you’re considering DIY and at-home treatments as opposed to a professional whitening service, be aware that these are not as potent, and so do not offer the same quality results. In addition, DIY whitening kits can cause some tooth sensitivity and can damage the enamel on your teeth if not used correctly. 

Booking your teeth whitening appointment: the next steps

Teeth whitening is an accessible treatment available to all those who want to elevate their love life, improve their self-confidence, and simply gift themselves a brighter smile as part of their self-care routine for 2024 and beyond. 

Booking an appointment couldn’t be easier, with your local professional teeth whitening dentist able to advise on costs, the exact process that they follow, and availability for appointments. Get in touch with them directly, using the consultation as an opportunity to really understand the process and ensure that you are a good candidate for teeth whitening. 

Teeth Whitening as a Confidence-Boosting Tool in Job Interviews

Preparing for a job interview is never easy. Planning your answers, coming up with questions to ask the panel, and ensuring that you make the right impression with your outfit choice are all important parts of the preparation process. 

But we believe that something else can have a big impact on both your confidence approaching job interviews and your ability to land that dream job – and it has nothing to do with what you say or wear.

Your smile, and more specifically the teeth you show with that smile, can completely transform the way that interview panels see and communicate with you – and can have a lasting impact on your confidence and the way you portray yourself. 

In this blog, we’re sharing our advice on how to use your smile to your advantage in job interviews, the benefits of teeth whitening in boosting your confidence, and the best way to brighten your teeth for lasting results. 

The benefits of a bright smile in job interviews

Arriving at a job interview feeling confident and good about yourself will shine through in the way you present yourself and communicate with the interview panel. When you possess a bright, white smile, you embody openness and warmth, and will find that people open up to you and want to communicate more with you. What’s more, with culture such an important part of the recruitment process, a bright smile can draw the interview panel to you as an individual and a good asset for their team. 

Here are three top benefits of possessing and showcasing a bright smile during your next job interview. 

Elevate your confidence

Confidence is known to improve everything from eye contact to the way that you speak. When you feel more confident, you present yourself in a more positive way, and are more likely to showcase and highlight the best things about yourself.

Self-confidence is crucial in job interviews, as you have to be able to sell yourself to them as a good candidate. If you have a bright smile to support your first impression, you will find that the interview panel are more receptive to everything you say. 

Improve your connection with the interview panel 

People are drawn to those who smile and exude both positive energy and confidence – with a bright smile the easiest and simplest way to form a good initial impression. 

If you enter your job interview with a smile in place, using it to highlight your confidence and ability to do the job you’re being interviewed for, then you will find that you leave a positive lasting impression. 

Position yourself as a positive and proactive individual 

A bright smile makes you both more approachable and more powerful, boosting your business interactions and the tone of your communications. In a job interview, being able to portray yourself with confidence demonstrates an underlying proactive and positive mindset.

How teeth whitening can help to boost your confidence

Now that we know a little more about why a bright smile is such a good thing to possess during your next job interview – how do you get there?

Oral hygiene is the foundation of a bright smile, as it not only ensures that your teeth are healthy and stable but that your breath is fresh and that you care about your overall health and hygiene. Beyond that, however, a teeth whitening treatment can brighten the tone and colour of your smile by a few shades. 

For those seeking a boost of self-confidence, whether for a job interview or something else, teeth whitening gives you back the shine of a smile that you can feel proud of. And, as we’ve already discussed, when you smile more openly, you present a sense of warmth that people can both relate to and feel attracted to. 

So, teeth whitening helps to inspire a boost of confidence that will have a positive impact on the way you present yourself, the way you communicate, and how openly you smile at and with those around you. In the case of a job interview, these are all traits that recruiters are looking for to ensure a good cultural fit in their next hire.  

The best ways to achieve whiter teeth – DIY or professional whitening?

Another question we need to consider as we prepare to boost our confidence ahead of the next job interview is how to achieve a whiter smile that is both safe for our teeth and effective. 

DIY teeth whitening solutions and at-home kits can offer some benefits, in that they are generally more affordable and can lift the brightness of an already-white smile. 

Professional teeth whitening, on the other hand, is significantly more expensive; however, the potency of the solutions used makes this an effective and lasting option for those looking to lift the colour of their teeth by at least a few shades. Teeth whitening conducted by a professional dental team involves the use of a strong whitening solution, applied to the teeth and activated by laser technology. This enhances the whiteness of the dentin just under the surface of the tooth, and works to break down any surface stains. 

Professional whitening is both safer and more effective in the short term and in the long run, when compared with DIY kits – not to mention it provides much better value for money with regard to boosting your confidence. 

Should you really invest in teeth whitening for your career?

With all that in mind, is it worth it? Teeth whitening doesn’t just do wonders for your professional image – it will also give you back the confidence to smile more and communicate more openly. The impact of a brighter and bolder smile on both your personal and professional life is huge, making you appear more open and welcoming to those around you. 

When you invest in teeth whitening treatment, your teeth reflect and showcase the importance of your dental hygiene – and give you a smile to be proud of. You deserve to feel confident, and a bright smile is the best way to achieve that.

Effective Dental Care Routines for Busy Professionals

We get it – juggling your home life and self-care routine with work can be difficult. Getting up, getting ready, bolting down a quick coffee, and grabbing that all-important breakfast can all take time – and that’s before you consider the needs of your family around you. 

Safe to say, self-care isn’t necessarily a priority first thing in the morning when you have a meeting that you don’t want to be late for. But what if we told you that your morning oral hygiene routine isn’t just for your own minty benefit, but can have an impact on the interactions you have throughout the day, as well as a lasting effect on your own health and wellbeing?

Unless you want bad breath to push colleagues away, and potential health conditions to sign you away from work for weeks at a time, it’s time to reset those morning priorities and make dental care an integral part of your morning routine.

Here’s how to do it. 

Why an effective dental care routine is so important

Dental care and oral hygiene help to keep your teeth healthy, which is crucial first and foremost for eating, drinking, and communicating normally. When you brush and floss your teeth twice a day, with regular trips to the dentist and hygienist, you ensure that your teeth and gums are healthy and in good condition – identifying any potential issues early so that they can be fixed without lasting problems.

Beyond the simple desire to retain a bright and healthy smile, oral hygiene is directly linked with your overall health and wellbeing, in that it creates a barrier to prevent harmful bacteria from getting into the bloodstream. When oral hygiene falls by the wayside, your chances of developing gum disease increase – leading to inflammation and sores across the gums. Left untreated, these inflamed spots become portals through which bacteria can enter the bloodstream and cause havoc throughout the rest of the body, with common conditions including heart disease and pneumonia a direct result.

Finally, from a financial and stress perspective, your dental care routine keeps your dental bills at a minimum (paying only for regular check-ups rather than expensive treatments) and helps to balance the stress of sensitive teeth and other issues. 

Five tips to make dental and oral hygiene a morning priority

Needless to say, your dental care routine forms an important part of your morning routine and your overall approach to self-care and wellbeing. But how can busy professionals readjust and reassess their morning routine so that it makes room for dental care, without adding undue strain to their day? Here are five tips to help make your dental routine easy, elevating your oral hygiene, while still ensuring you can make the morning meeting. 

  1. Invest in an electric toothbrush

An electric toothbrush does all the hard work for you, and will even let you know when your two-minute session is up. 

  1. Don’t forget to floss

Flossing is an important part of your morning and evening dental care routine, as it dislodges any food that may be stuck between the teeth and ensures that you start the day with a fresh and clean mouth. Floss can reach any places in your mouth that your toothbrush cannot access, and ensures that your teeth are sparkling clean before you get to work – that’s right, no more “there’s breakfast stuck in your teeth” embarrassment!

  1. Clean your tongue with soft strokes

The surface of the tongue is where bacteria collects, which is why lightly brushing the surface is so important for your overall health. Not only does this remove and wash away any bacteria, but it also ensures that minty-fresh feeling as you step out the door, and keeps your breath fresh for longer. 

  1. Use mouthwash for a refresh before you head out the door

If you’ve brushed your teeth but find yourself grabbing a last cup of coffee before you leave, a quick swill of mouthwash is a great way to reignite that minty-fresh feeling without spending more time brushing again.

TOP TIP: Mouthwash is a great thing to carry around in your bag for those occasions throughout the day when you want to freshen up, particularly after a coffee, before a big meeting, or after lunch. 

  1. Take a bottle of water 

Finally, carrying around a bottle of water throughout the day will help to keep your mouth clean. This is particularly effective if you are concerned about stains on your teeth as a result of food and drink, as the water washes away any residual coffee or other staining ingredients to restore a clean and balanced mouth. 

And one for luck…

Did you know that exercise and physical activity can have a direct impact on your oral health and hygiene, specifically helping to fight off gum disease, and thus protecting the body from the harmful effects of bacteria? This is because, when you exercise, your blood circulation increases, which helps to promote healthy gums and tissues around the mouth, as well as improving the rest of your body. 

Whether it’s a trip to the gym after work, or a quick walk during your lunch break, getting your blood pumping during the day will help to keep your dental health in check and your overall wellbeing balanced. 

Brighten your smile with professional teeth whitening

If you already have an efficient and effective oral hygiene routine but want to elevate and brighten your smile to enhance your professional image, then why not consider professional teeth whitening

Using sophisticated laser technology and a potent solution that is activated by the laser, teeth whitening conducted by your dentist is not only effective with lasting results, but is also safe – ensuring that your teeth appear brighter without impacting their stability or health. 

For more information on this, and for tailored advice to improve your own dental routine, don’t hesitate to reach out to your local dentist. And finally, if nothing else, consider this the sign you need to book a hygienist appointment!

The Impact of a Bright Smile on Your Professional Image

“Smile and the world smiles with you.”

This phrase is one that many of us learn as children, encouraged to smile as we build relationships and spend time developing our own personalities and interests. As we enter adulthood and start to branch out into the professional world that we choose to work in, smiling becomes as much about the way we are perceived as it is a window to how we feel – with a bright smile bolstering both your own productivity and the way others see you. 

Of course, there is no trait or asset that will replace hard work and dedication – but you’d be amazed at the incredible impact a bright smile can have on the way you are perceived in the professional world. 

The benefits of a bright smile

When you have a smile on your face, people feel calmer and most positive about interacting with you. This spans both your personal and professional life, with the following benefits all directly linked to how a bright smile and excellent oral hygiene can support your professional image. 

Improve professional relationships

First thing’s first, when you smile and build a reputation as a positive and warm individual, your professional relationships will improve. The psychology of interpersonal relationships shows that a smile will help those around you to relax – calming those with roles and positions beneath yours, while making you seem more positive to those in positions of power above you. This can lead to encouraging trust in the workplace, and may even bring more opportunities to your door. 

Someone who smiles in professional settings will be remembered favourably – which is all most of us can really ask for in modern networking situations. 

Increase performance through enhanced personal confidence

When you have a bright smile, you will feel more confident – and thus will work with increased productivity. This in turn leads to greater performance and results; something which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on your professional image. 

Make yourself feel happier and calmer

They say that, if you force yourself to smile, you can instantly feel a little happier and calmer – regardless of the situation. This is because smiling releases some endorphins, which counter the effects of stress and make you feel better. And we don’t need to tell you that, when you feel better and less stressed, your professional image, ability to communicate with others, and overall performance will all improve. 

Ignite positive experiences for those around you

One of the most important benefits of a bright smile is the way it connects you with others. A common language that exists both inside and outside the workplace, when you make others feel more relaxed, you improve their encounters with you. This bolsters your professional image as someone who is easy to deal with and communicate with – which, when seen by the right people, could equate to better pay, promotions, and more.

Does smiling at work really matter?

The aforementioned benefits focus heavily on the emotional impact of smiling, both for yourself and for those around you – igniting positive experiences for colleagues and peers, and making yourself feel more confident and in control. 

But, as those who follow our other blogs will already know, smiling is about so much more than just how you feel emotionally. It is also a direct link to your oral hygiene and overall health and wellbeing, which plays its own role in your professional image, in that good wellbeing is crucial for facilitating a stable approach to your professional life. 

Good oral hygiene helps to keep your entire body healthy and in good shape. Outwardly, it represents a level of care and a focus on your overall health, which is seen as positive by those around you. Internally, a good oral hygiene routine is integral for keeping bacteria at bay.

All of this can be represented in the way that you smile – with a bright and clean smile underpinning a positive approach to life, as well as a comprehensive and care-driven oral hygiene routine. 

How to achieve a brighter smile

Now that you understand a little more about the benefits of a bright smile in the workplace and in relation to your professional image – how do you achieve it?

Professional teeth whitening

If you practise good oral hygiene, you might find that your teeth just need a little extra care and attention to really sparkle – which is where a professional teeth whitening treatment can help. Conducted by dental professionals, who use sophisticated laser technology and a potent solution to cut through any surface stains and lift the colour of the dentin on your teeth effectively, professional teeth whitening can help to brighten your smile by a shade or two. 

While there are countless DIY and at-home solutions for teeth whitening, typically the efficiency and lasting results of a professional treatment make it much better value for money in the long run. Not to mention, when you book a professional treatment, you can be sure of the safety benefits as well as the results.

The importance of good oral hygiene – and fresh breath! 

We’ve already covered how a bright smile equates to good oral hygiene, but what we haven’t mentioned yet is breath. If you want to elevate your professional image, then fresh breath is an absolute must – again highlighting a consistent approach to dental hygiene and health, and making communication and professional encounters more pleasant for those around you. 

If you want to brighten your smile and improve your image both professionally and personally, focus on brushing, flossing, and rinsing your mouth regularly – and book regular appointments to see a hygienist for a thorough clean. 

The power of a bright smile

Your smile is part of what draws people to you, and in the professional working world, this can have a huge and lasting impact on the way you build connections and the opportunities that are opened to you. For tailored advice on how to elevate your smile, get in touch with your local dentist.

The Importance of Regular Dental Cleaning by a Hygienist

Most of us swear by regular check-ups at the dentist, followed by a trip to see the hygienist. With an emphasis on what’s going on below the surface of the teeth, focusing on the structure of the mouth and the stability and integrity of the teeth, the role of a dentist is to ensure that your teeth are stable and able to support everyday tasks, such as eating, communicating, and drinking. The role of a hygienist, meanwhile, focuses more on the surface of the teeth and deals with the importance of oral hygiene in supporting a healthy mouth.

However, that’s not to say that regular visits to the hygienist are purely aesthetic. In fact, oral hygiene and the health of the teeth play a huge role in overall wellbeing, and can genuinely impact a series of other conditions that may cause more issues down the line. 

In this blog, we’re emphasising not just the importance of regular dental cleanings by a hygienist, but the role of a hygienist in overall wellness, and the impact that good oral hygiene has on your lifestyle. 

What does a hygienist do?

The role of a hygienist is to provide a thorough teeth cleaning and to assess the quality of your oral hygiene routine. They will ask questions about how regularly you brush and floss your teeth, and will be able to suggest changes to maximise your routine and ensure that both your teeth and gums are cleaned effectively and safely. 

In comparison with a dentist, who focuses on more structural aspects of dentistry, hygienists are the right people to talk to about teeth whitening solutions and the impact of your oral routine on overall health and wellbeing. 

But, while most of us know that brushing and flossing is important, there is a significant gap in knowledge when it comes to conditions that are caused or exacerbated by poor oral hygiene. Let’s take a closer look at how oral health connects with the rest of the body and why it’s so important for overall wellbeing. 

Why is oral health so important for overall wellbeing?

One of the most prominent issues that can be caused by a lack of oral hygiene is gum disease – but did you know that this in turn can transform into a wealth of other health issues and challenges?

When gum disease is allowed to set in, it weakens the gums and leads to inflammation, which allows bacteria to enter the bloodstream. Because our mouths come into contact with so many outside objects and elements, the number of bacteria that this can expose us to is huge – creating issues that are allowed to enter the bloodstream and circulate around the body with alarming efficiency. 

Some of the conditions that poor oral hygiene can lead to include:

  • Heart disease. This is because, when the body is fighting or experiencing gum disease, its natural defences are lowered, and it becomes harder to control your blood sugar and the presence of bacteria. Once in the heart, bacteria can cause inflammation, which increases the damage to blood vessels – leading to, or worsening, heart issues. 
  • Endocarditis. Caused by inflammation to the lining of the heart as a result of infection. 
  • Pneumonia. Again, caused by bacteria, but this time in the lungs, leading to inflammation throughout the breathing system in the body. 

All of these health issues are why seeing a hygienist for regular appointments is so important. Not only can they check your existing oral hygiene routine, but they can provide advice on how to achieve an effective clean without heightening sensitivity in your mouth. 

Signs that you may need to see a dental hygienist

Having covered the importance of dental hygienist appointments and how these appointments support overall wellness, as well as oral health and hygiene, the final thing to do is identify the main signs that you might need to book a hygienist appointment sooner rather than later.

Starting with an obvious one, any blood that you see while brushing your teeth indicates that you either have some damage to the gums, that you are brushing too hard, or that you may have some gum inflammation that is becoming irritated during brushing. If any of these are the case, seeing a dental hygienist will enable you to understand the cause of the blood and take steps to rectify it. 

Another sign that you may need to see a hygienist is bad breath. There are multiple causes of bad breath and, while cavities and other structural issues will need to be referred to a dentist, the hygienist is a good initial port of call for advice.

Some other signs that you may be due a hygienist appointment include:

  • Toothache 
  • Discolouration on the surface of the teeth 
  • Sensitive teeth and growing gaps between the teeth

If any of these are familiar or are signs you have experienced when brushing your teeth, we recommend booking an appointment with a hygienist to identify any underlying issues and to adjust your oral hygiene routine accordingly. 

Hygienist FAQs

Finally, a few frequently asked questions about hygienist appointments, when to book them, and how to keep your teeth healthy between appointments. 

How often should you see a hygienist?

It is generally recommended that you see a hygienist at least once every six months. Most people see their dentist once or twice a year, and coincide appointments so that they fall together for convenience. 

How to keep teeth healthy and clean between appointments?

Regular brushing twice a day, flossing, and following a healthy lifestyle are all important parts of oral health and hygiene. This includes drinking lots of water, getting lots of nutrients and vitamins, and of course avoiding using your teeth for tasks that may cause damage – for example, opening bottles and breaking things open. 

The more you look after your teeth and protect your oral health, the less you will need to rely on hygienists and dentists to reverse any damage caused. Book your next appointment by getting in touch with your local clinic directly.

The Science Behind Teeth Whitening: Understanding the Process

White teeth and a brighter smile might be the end goal that connects the various whitening methods available on the market, but how do we get there?

With so many different methods for teeth whitening available, from the natural remedies to DIY and at-home kits, through to professional treatments and services at renowned dental clinics, understanding the science of teeth whitening means first recognising what causes teeth to become stained and discoloured. 

And that’s exactly where this blog starts. 

What causes teeth to become discoloured?

There are a number of things that can cause teeth to become discoloured, the majority of which fall under one of three categories

Extrinsic discolouration is caused by stains on the surface of the tooth. These are the easiest stains and signs of discolouration to treat and remove, because they only affect the outer enamel of the tooth. Typically, this kind of discolouration is caused by food and beverages – think red wine, coffee, and other lifestyle choices, such as smoking. 

Intrinsic stains are the opposite, with the discolouration coming from inside the tooth. With intrinsic discolouration, it tends to be the dentin underneath the enamel which has become stained, making this kind of issue more resistant to over-the-counter whitening kits, and more difficult to treat through natural remedies. Some of the common causes of intrinsic stains include tooth decay, trauma or injury to the tooth, and some medications.

And then, we have age-related staining, which is simply caused by the enamel on your teeth starting to wear away. This can leave teeth with a yellow hue.

So, now that we know a little more about what causes teeth to become stained, discoloured, and in need of whitening treatment – how do we achieve a picture-perfect smile?

A guide to laser teeth whitening

Laser teeth whitening is the more effective method of brightening your smile, as it combines the expertise and experience of trained dentists, a potent bleaching agent, and the power of a laser to activate the ingredients and lighten your teeth to the ideal shade. 

The process of laser teeth whitening starts with a consultation, during which you will be encouraged to discuss your ideal results and the shade that you hope to reach through treatment. Taking a shade sample of your teeth as they are, we demonstrate what your final shade could be through a comprehensive whitening treatment – highlighting the importance of proper aftercare in maintaining the results. This is designed to facilitate complete transparency and ensure that clients are happy with the process and the projected outcome. 

The next step is a thorough cleaning, using an activator which prepares the teeth for the laser treatment. This is followed by a layer of a whitening agent, before a mouth guard is placed over the teeth and a blue spectrum LED light shone onto the teeth. The laser is used in short blasts of around 20-30 minutes, with two or three cycles required depending on the client.

This is where it gets a little more scientific, with the choice of a blue spectrum LED light specifically selected as the most effective wavelength to initiate and activate the whitening agent without damaging the teeth. There is a fine balance between attacking the stains on teeth and impacting or damaging the enamel itself, with blue spectrum light the best go-to for brighter teeth that are still strong and healthy.

The final step of the process is to verify the results of your whitening treatment and show you the comparison between your original shade and the new shade – before inviting you to showcase your brand-new smile and enjoy your new-found confidence. 

The full process shouldn’t take more than an hour – leaving you with instant results and a smile to be proud of. 

How do DIY and natural remedies support teeth whitening?

In comparison with professional teeth whitening, DIY and natural remedies are neither as potent nor as guaranteed as the use of a proper laser and whitening agent. Generally, natural remedies are good for those who want to maintain whiter teeth, as they help to remove any residual discolouration from meals and drinks, while DIY and at-home whitening kits can be minimally effective – best used in cases of minor discolouration. 

On the whole, professional teeth whitening is grounded in scientific research and has the backing of a professional dentist, who can talk you through not only the process itself but the projected results and how to maintain them. Which is where the next question in this blog comes in…

Does teeth whitening last a long time?

The success and sustainability of your brighter smile depends on a number of things, including the potency of the whitening treatment and your approach to aftercare and long-term dental hygiene. 

Professional teeth whitening is considered the most sustainable method, primarily because it combines a potent and powerful whitening agent with the support of a dental specialist, who will use the laser to ensure that your ideal results are met. However, even professional whitening treatment requires proper aftercare if you want your results to last.

This aftercare includes the following:

  • Drinking less coffee, and drinking a glass of water after coffee and other drinks known to stain the teeth, where possible
  • Drinking red wine with caution, again consuming water directly after, where possible
  • Cutting out smoking, as tobacco can have a debilitating effect on teeth whitening results
  • Adopting an effective dental routine, which includes regular brushing, flossing, and trips to the dentist
  • Eating a healthy and balanced diet full of those ingredients that act as natural cleansers for the mouth and teeth

Teeth whitening is safe when carried out by a trained dentist in a proper facility, with results that can last upwards of two years when you follow the correct level of aftercare.

For more information on teeth whitening, including prices and the questions that clients regularly ask, head to the Harley Teeth Whitening homepage, or get in touch with your local dentist directly.

Natural Teeth Whitening Remedies: Do They Work?

With so many clients coming to us in search of a broader, brighter smile, it’s safe to say that teeth whitening is a big part of what we do. And, while the professional whitening service that we offer is commonly recognised as the most effective and efficient means of brightening your smile, there are a number of natural remedies which offer varying degrees of success.

In this blog, we’re looking at some of the top natural teeth whitening remedies, assessing the results they offer and the different things to consider, before sharing the benefits of professional teeth whitening. 

What are natural teeth whitening remedies?

Natural teeth whitening remedies are those solutions which don’t require specific treatment or the use of whitening products – rather, they rely on foods, drinks, and other natural ingredients to brighten the teeth. Generally, these remedies use ingredients that contain natural acids (such as those which are found in some fruits) and other whitening agents, like charcoal and baking soda, to polish the teeth. 

Natural remedies are not the same as DIY and at-home whitening solutions, which we will explore in a little more detail later in this blog, and which can commonly be purchased on the dental hygiene market.

The top natural remedies for whiter, brighter teeth

With that said, what are the top and most popular natural remedies to achieve whiter and brighter teeth?


Starting with one of the most specific products on our list of natural whitening remedies, pineapple contains a high level of enzymes which, far from whitening the teeth, help to minimise the impact of stains on the teeth. Rather than reversing the effects of existing stains, consuming pineapple may well help to protect your teeth from further stains by loosening the plaque that causes teeth to appear discoloured. 

Apple cider vinegar

Packed with potential health benefits, apple cider vinegar is a fermented natural product that is said to be full of probiotics. But is it any good for whitening your teeth?

As touched on earlier in this blog, apple cider vinegar contains a high level of natural fruit acids, which do help to wear away stains left on the enamel of your teeth. However, this same natural remedy is also responsible for wearing away the enamel itself, with excessive exposure to the acidic ingredients only serving to cause more damage and exacerbate signs of tooth decay and other issues. 

So, while there may be some whitening benefits associated with apple cider vinegar, it is not a product that we recommend swilling too often. 

Crunchy vegetables

Crunchy vegetables, like celery and cucumber, are regularly linked with a healthy and balanced diet – but what benefits do they bring to your dental hygiene and the appearance of your teeth?

Well, some say that eating crunchy vegetables acts as a form of natural teeth cleaning, scrubbing plaque away from the surface of the teeth while dislodging any foods that become stuck between the teeth. However, more likely than that is the high water content in these ingredients, which naturally cleanses the teeth during and after eating. 

With that in mind, you are likely to induce the same benefits through increased consumption of water, rinsing the mouth during and after meals. 

Baking soda

Not so much something you eat but more a natural remedy that can be used to make your own whitening paste. Baking soda has become a natural hero in the world of dentistry, and is used in a number of popular branded toothpastes – but how effective is it as an ingredient found in your kitchen cupboard? 

Well, baking soda is an alkaline compound that acts as a mild scrub, meaning that it can be used to wear away stains on the teeth without damaging the enamel. What’s more, as well as reducing stains on the teeth, baking soda’s alkaline levels leave your mouth healthy and clean, which makes it less likely for harmful bacteria to settle and spread. 

How professional teeth whitening compares with natural remedies

There are some natural remedies that are more potent and effective than others. And, while some of them are harmless if not super effective, others can be more damaging than you might believe if used to excess – for example, apple cider vinegar and high-acidity fruits. 

Professional teeth whitening balances effective results with safe practices, under the supervision of trained dental experts, who are as committed to sustainable dental health and hygiene as they are to teeth whitening. Professional whitening treatment tends to use a special paste that is applied to the teeth, before a laser is shone on the teeth. This laser activates the ingredients in the paste, breaking down surface stains and bleaching the dentin that lies underneath the enamel on each tooth, leaving a whiter finish. 

While a more costly solution than the natural remedies explored above, professional teeth whitening is regularly cited as the most effective method for clients of all ages. But what about the DIY and at-home whitening kits that you can buy?

DIY and at-home teeth whitening – does it work?

DIY and at-home whitening kits tend to sit somewhere between natural remedies and professional treatment options, using the same ingredients and techniques as professional treatments but in a diluted and less potent way. 

As such, most at-home kits don’t contain enough bleaching agent to be truly effective – and, without proper care and attention, can cause more harm than good. That’s why, as a general rule, it is always best to seek professional advice prior to any teeth whitening treatment. 

Identifying the best solution for you

The right solution for you will depend on your budget and the amount of discolouration that you hope to reverse through whitening treatment. Natural remedies can be an ideal way to brighten the teeth, while more intensely discoloured teeth tend to only respond to more potent treatment, as conducted by a professional. 

For more advice on teeth whitening and to discover the different treatment packages available, get in touch with your local dentist.

The Psychology of a Whiter Smile: Boosting Confidence and Self-Esteem

There are all sorts of reasons why it’s important to practise good dental hygiene. Not only does regular brushing and oral hygiene maintenance keep your breath fresh for those around you, but it minimises the chance of plaque and bacteria build-up, meaning that it is good for your overall health and wellbeing as well.

But, of course, for many of our clients, all the underlying benefits are superseded by the aesthetics of a good dental routine – namely their search for a whiter smile.

The fact is that, when our teeth are whiter, we smile more; we feel more confident, and our self-esteem lifts. Which is why taking steps to boost our dental routine and research both natural and artificial teeth whitening solutions is such a hot topic of conversation.

But, before we share some advice on how to help your teeth benefit from a gleaming white sheen, let’s look a little closer at the psychology of a whiter smile and how it helps us to feel more confident. 

Why does having a whiter smile make us feel more confident?

Colgate, one of the leading dental brands in the world, talks about how smiles are affected by psychology – so much so that we generally have three different types of smiles. The first is a spontaneous smile, when something makes us happy; the second is a social smile that we put on for those around us; and the third is an emotional smile, which shows those around us what we are really thinking or feeling.

Crucially, the intensity of these smiles and the regularity with which we show them varies based on our confidence. That’s why those who do not boast the same levels of self-esteem will typically exude a closed-mouth smile, or one which is not as bright. 

Of course, it’s not all to do with the colour and shine of our teeth. Many of us simply don’t express joy in the same way, or feel conscious of other things beyond the colour of our teeth. That’s why, while this blog is about the psychology of a white smile and how to boost the shine of your own teeth, it’s just as important to spend time smiling and boosting your own confidence. After all, they say that simply making the choice to smile, even when you don’t feel like it, can instantly make you feel a little more positive. 

How to get a whiter smile naturally

There are a few different ways of achieving whiter teeth. The first that we are going to consider is the natural remedies, from the impact of good dental hygiene to the value of foods that are said to help contribute towards a brighter smile. 

The impact of a good dental hygiene routine

Cleaning your teeth twice a day, flossing, and visiting the dentist regularly are all crucial in sustaining good oral hygiene – which is not just good for the aesthetics of your teeth but also for your overall health and wellbeing. 

When you brush your teeth regularly and floss properly between your teeth, you remove any build-up of food and plaque that creates unsightly discolouration around the base of and in between the teeth. Good oral hygiene is also necessary for minimising the need for dental work, including fillings, and can help to lessen the chance of tooth decay. 

Foods which promote whiter teeth

Food and drink are a double-edged sword when it comes to whiter teeth and a healthier smile, not least because eating the wrong things – and too much of them – can exacerbate underlying issues and cause the enamel of the teeth to become stained or damaged. 

For the most part, it’s advised to avoid too much sugar – with other things to avoid including coffee, red wine, and some berries, which can cause lasting stains on the surface of the teeth if consumed to excess. 

In terms of promoting a whiter smile, some of the recommended foods include the following:

  • Naturally crunchy foods. Not only are some crunchy vegetables, like cucumber and celery, packed full of water, but they help to dislodge other food that may be sitting between the teeth, and they act as a natural toothbrush between other courses. 
  • Dairy products. Did you know that increasing your dairy intake can help to keep your teeth shiny and white? This is because the lactic acid helps to protect the enamel on your teeth from decaying, thus acting as another layer of protection for the dentin beneath, which affects the colour of your teeth. 
  • Acidic foods – but in moderation. Acidic foods may be known for weakening the enamel on the teeth (which is of course not good), but in moderation they can actually increase the saliva production in the mouth, which helps to wash away the remnants of food and leave you with a gleaming smile. 
  • Water. Need we say more? Drinking more water is good for every part of your body, from your teeth to your heart and beyond. 

With that in mind, how does professional teeth whitening compare with the more natural solutions?

The benefits of professional teeth whitening

If it’s efficient teeth whitening that you want, then a professional service is of course the best and most effective method. Combining industry-leading laser technology with a whitening paste that is applied to the teeth and then held under the laser to create the reaction which whitens the teeth, professional services are not necessarily cheap, but they do work. 

And, if the cost is something that you are considering, then look at professional teeth whitening as an investment – into both your self-confidence and your personal and professional image. Those who smile more are seen as having a higher self-esteem, which can bring with it workplace benefits as well as personal ones. 

For more information on teeth whitening, to find out if professional services are right for you, or for tailored advice on your own dental hygiene routine, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your local dentist.

The Connection Between Dental Hygiene and Overall Health

There are many reasons why it’s important to stay on top of your oral health, keep your teeth clean, and visit your dentist on a regular basis. First and foremost, as an adult, you only get one full set of natural teeth – and once they’re gone, or damaged, or broken, then that’s it. 

Secondly, oral hygiene contributes towards the maintenance of a gleaming white smile – and for most of us, that smile is directly connected with self-confidence and how we feel about our own reflection.

Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, dental hygiene is intrinsically linked with overall health – not just in relation to gum disease and other localised issues in and around the mouth, but spanning the entire body. In fact, contrary to popular belief, gum disease is directly connected with a vast array of other issues and diseases, affecting the heart, lungs, blood, and even the brain.

In this blog, we’re looking at the importance of dental hygiene through the lens of your overall health and wellbeing – sharing the conditions that gum disease and bad dental hygiene can contribute towards. 

Why is oral hygiene so closely linked with the rest of the body?

Oral hygiene is an interesting area to study, primarily because the mouth is the body’s window – and most obvious entry point – to the outside world. Bacteria is rife in and around the mouth, and when you don’t practise good oral hygiene and effective teeth cleaning to keep on top of that bacteria and to keep it at bay, it can lead to issues such as gum disease, tooth decay, and worse. 

The fact is that, when you aren’t taking the steps to alleviate and rid the mouth of bacteria, that bacteria multiplies and makes its way into the body directly. This impacts the body’s natural defences, exposing you to increased issues, while minimising the body’s ability to fight the spread of bacteria further. 

And it’s not just bad oral hygiene that exacerbates and leads to other issues in the body – the same is true of the reverse. 

There are some conditions that our clients and patients live with that impact oral hygiene. For example, if someone is living with diabetes, which reduces their natural ability to fight infection, they are more prone to issues like gum disease, which in turn creates more issues for their overall health.

To cut a long story short, a lack of dental hygiene can have a serious and debilitating effect on your overall health and wellbeing – but that’s not to say that there aren’t existing conditions that play their own role in halting good dental hygiene.

Keep reading to find out some of the conditions and issues that can be caused or exacerbated by poor dental hygiene, before learning some tips to keep your mouth – and body – in the best possible health.

What conditions and diseases are impacted by bad oral hygiene?

Health challenges can occur, or be made worse, when poor oral hygiene allows bacteria to enter the body – travelling via the bloodstream to different areas of the body. 

One of the more serious conditions that is linked to poor oral hygiene is heart disease. A study conducted by the British Heart Foundation found that those with moderate gum disease were up to 69% more likely to develop coronary heart disease, through the portal of increased exposure to diabetes. This is because, when the body is fighting or experiencing gum disease, its natural defences are lowered, and it becomes harder to control your blood sugar – not to mention that the increase in bacteria on and around the teeth allows bacteria to enter and travel through the bloodstream. Once in the heart, this bacteria can cause inflammation that increases the damage to blood vessels – leading to, or worsening, heart issues. 

This also links to a condition called endocarditis, which is inflammation of the lining of the heart through infection. This can be fatal if left untreated, and is directly connected to dental bacteria specifically. 

Other conditions that are known to be linked with poor oral and dental hygiene include pneumonia and birth complications. Pneumonia and other respiratory diseases are caused by the bacteria being drawn down into the lungs, directly infecting and causing inflammation throughout the body’s breathing systems. 

And, to return to the reverse for a moment, all of this is made worse when conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes are also seen in the patient or individual – because such conditions make good oral hygiene even more difficult to maintain. This creates a cause-and-effect cycle of damage when left unresolved. 

Tips to enhance your dental hygiene for the sake of your wellbeing

So, how can you take control of your dental hygiene and improve your overall wellbeing?

The most obvious thing to do is adopt a dental hygiene routine, which includes brushing your teeth thoroughly twice a day, for at least two minutes. Using a fluoride toothpaste is important to secure the best possible clean, while flossing removes plaque and helps to minimise the risk of a plaque and bacteria build-up affecting the enamel and natural barrier on your teeth. 

Another recommended tip is to visit your dentist regularly, so that any structural issues with your teeth can be treated effectively to minimise further damage and bacteria from getting into your bloodstream. Fillings and crowns can be fitted to ensure that enamel damage does not allow harmful bacteria to penetrate the tooth and cause pain as well as other health conditions. 

Finally, a change to daily habits and an acknowledgement of the significance of a healthy and balanced diet is important for retaining and maintaining the health of your teeth throughout adulthood. Sugary foods should be minimised where possible, and your teeth should be cleaned after consuming very acidic foods and drinks that can affect the stability of the protective enamel on your teeth.

If you’re in any doubt about the effectiveness of your own oral hygiene routine, or you need specific advice and support for underlying issues or conditions, don’t hesitate to reach out to your local dentist. 

Maintaining Oral Hygiene with Clear Braces – Tips and Best Practices

Oral hygiene isn’t just key to achieving a perfect Hollywood smile and ensuring that your breath is always minty fresh when spending time with loved ones, friends, and perfect strangers. It is also integral to overall health, with oral hygiene connected to everything from gum disease and tooth decay to heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. 

This is because, when you don’t maintain a proper oral hygiene routine, which focuses on brushing properly, flossing, and visiting the dentist on a regular basis, bacteria is given the perfect habitat in which to thrive, build up, and multiply. This bacteria, when it is allowed to build up, leads to infections and inflammation of the gums that surround your teeth – spreading to the rest of the body with alarming ease. 

Of course, for those facing orthodontic work, oral hygiene becomes somewhat more challenging to navigate. Braces, which are fixed to the teeth and connected via a wire that is tightened regularly, create a literal barrier between your cleaning tools and your teeth – making oral hygiene more difficult. Despite this, maintaining good oral hygiene throughout the treatment process is crucial, not just to ensure the best results, but to support your overall health and wellbeing as well. 

In this blog, we’re looking at the benefits of clear braces before diving into the tips and best practices to maintain oral hygiene throughout treatment. 

What are clear aligners vs clear braces?

Clear aligners and clear braces are two different things. Clear aligners have been engineered as an orthodontic alternative, which sees patients fitted with a series of aligners that are worn for up to 22 hours per day, and which gradually straighten the alignment of the teeth. Every week or so, the aligner is changed to continue the movement of the teeth, until the final position is reached. 

Clear braces, on the other hand, are fixed to the teeth as clear boxes – connected by a wire, which is tightened on the same kind of regular basis to keep up with and facilitate non-stop movement of the teeth. The idea of both clear braces and clear aligners is the same, but while aligners can be removed completely and cleaned independently from the mouth, clear braces are fixed to the teeth, and so must be cleaned as part of your oral hygiene routine.

The benefits of clear braces

In terms of the benefits of clear braces and why so many adults are getting in touch to discuss their eligibility for the treatment, the answer is two-fold. 

Firstly, clear braces are designed to remain in place until the ideal results have been achieved – with the patient or client unable to remove or get in the way of their own treatment. Regular visits to the dentist allow the wire to be tightened for continuous aligning of the teeth, pulling them back into the desired position under the watchful monitoring of your dentist. 

The fact that the boxes fixed to the teeth are clear, meanwhile, means that the braces are not as visible, which is the main reason why these are so popular with adult users. Far from the colourful boxes of childhood braces, this alternative for adults is carefully designed to blend against the teeth – with the decision to keep the boxes clear meaning that they match the colour and tone of your natural teeth with ease. 

With that said, how do you keep them clean and maintain your oral health throughout the treatment process?

How to maintain oral hygiene with clear braces

It’s just as important to clean around and underneath the wire as it is to clean the surface of the teeth. Not only should you be focussed on removing plaque and bacteria, but you also need to keep the surface of your teeth clean to ensure that you are not left with white boxes once the brace is removed. While teeth whitening services can go some way to perfecting and reinstating a gleaming white smile after orthodontic and aligning treatment, taking the time to clean your teeth effectively and regularly is important. 

Some of the best ways to maintain oral hygiene during your clear brace treatment include:

  • Brushing your teeth after every meal or snack, to ensure that any food that gets stuck around or beneath the wire can be dislodged quickly
  • Brushing with a soft bristle brush at an angle, to ensure that the brush reaches up and under the wire
  • Flossing daily 
  • Brushing on top of and beneath the brackets, taking the time to reach up under the wire as well
  • Cleaning around the gums with your soft bristle brush, to ensure that any build-up of bacteria is effectively removed
  • Using a mouthwash that contains fluoride twice per day to keep your mouth fresh

Achieving a picture-perfect smile with clear braces

There are so many benefits to clear braces, not just in terms of the process, but regarding the results and how long they last. Clear braces are designed to definitively and effectively move the teeth into your desired position, with retainer braces prescribed upon removal of the fixed brace to ensure that teeth don’t revert back to their original position.

With the right care and attention, and the maintenance of a good oral hygiene routine throughout the treatment process, you can achieve a picture-perfect smile that is straighter and shinier than ever before. 

To end with a few final tips and words of advice, remember that, when caring for and maintaining your teeth under a fixed brace, it’s not just the cleaning you need to focus on. Avoiding certain foods and drinks is just as important if you want to maintain good oral health – for example steering clear of sticky and very chewy foods, which can get stuck around the brackets and wire, and limiting your intake of sugary foods, which can damage the enamel of your teeth and leave you with a cavity problem. 

Caring for your teeth doesn’t have to be more difficult with a fixed clear brace in place. Get in touch with your dentist directly for tailored guidance and advice.

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